Integration and Networking

Ecological engagement with ukrainian protection seekers

Compango organizes inspiring events around the topic of ecological sustainability for Ukrainians who have fled the war and have now found a new home in Berlin. We aim to raise awareness for an environmentally friendly way of life while creating a platform for integration and exchange with local eco-initiatives.

Our projects range from creative workshops on upcycling and recycling old objects to a green language café and exciting excursions into nature - and that's just the beginning!


Our commitment is supported by the German Federal Environmental Foundation, the German Foundation for Commitment and Volunteering, the Berlin Foundation for Nature Conservation and numerous other generous donors who make our vision of a sustainable and connected community possible.

compango methoden

Blog: was wir tun

Seit Beginn des Überfalls auf die Ukraine passen wir unser Engagement jeweils dem aktuellen Bedarf an und berichten darüber im Blog.